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Bayport Blog: Category - Credit education and credit awareness

Know your credit rights

Published: 2022-03-09
Categories: Credit education and credit awareness, Financial wellness
Tags: Credit Wellness, Financial Literacy

How well do you know your rights (and responsibilities) when it comes to credit? As a consumer, you have specific rights regarding credit. In South Africa, the National Credit Act (NCA) sets out these basic…

Top 10 tips before signing a credit agreement

Published: 2021-03-30
Categories: Credit education and credit awareness
Tags: Credit Health, Credit Wellness, Debt Relief, Debt stress, Financial distress, Financial Tips, Money solutions

A loan can go a long way to solve your debt problems. But it can also make matters worse if you don’t pay close attention to the terms of the credit agreement. A credit agreement…

Money solutions you have to know: how to protect yourself against card fraud

Published: 2021-03-23
Categories: Credit education and credit awareness, Debt Relief, financial literacy
Tags: Credit Health, Credit Wellness, Debt Relief, Debt stress, Financial Health, Financial Literacy, Financial Stress, Financial Tips

Few things cause more financial distress than falling victim to bank card fraud or other forms of identity theft. You have to know how to keep yourself – and your money – safe. Fraud on…

How to improve your credit score the smart way

Published: 2021-03-23
Categories: Credit education and credit awareness, Credit Health, financial literacy
Tags: Credit Health, Credit Wellness, Debt stress, Financial distress, Financial Health, Financial Literacy, Financial support, Financial Tips, Money solutions

Your credit score is a powerful financial health indicator, but chasing a good score without keeping your bigger financial and debt plan in mind, can lead you to make poor money decisions. The world of…

Credit health starts with knowing your numbers

Published: 2021-03-23
Categories: Credit education and credit awareness, Credit Health
Tags: Credit Health, Financial Health, Financial support, Financial Tips, Money solutions

When you go in search of debt advice, you have to know your current status. Your debt to income ratio and credit usage ratio shows you where you are and help you track your progress….

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